Skip the Salon: DIY Summer Ready Feet

FREE THE FEET! Get ready for flip flop season!
Summer is bare foot, sandal and flip flop season. This season, skip the salon and pamper and pretty your feet with some easy DIY steps. Living in Arizona, I wear flip flops year round. I hate shoes and despise socks and my feet show it. I've tried several drug store remedies, lotions and treatments but never truly love any of them. Making your own foot potions and taking a little bit of me time is much friendlier on the environment and your cash flow.

The best time to remove dry sink is after a shower or bath. The skin softens and is easier to remove. Only a few basic supplies are needed; pumice stone, cotton socks, a foot bath or other container you can get your tootsies in, a towel or two and pick a treatment!

Soak feet in warm water and a half cup of Epsom salts. If you'd like add a few drops of lavender oil and relax a bit or peppermint oil to sooth tired toes or tea tree oil if you're prone to nail or foot fungi. I prefer to do this before bed so I can leave the socks on to let the moisture work over night. Repeat nightly (haha, I'm a mom so that means as often as you can!) until satisfied. Repeat weekly to keep them in good shape.
  • Maintenance or slightly dry: Pat feet dry, rub with liberally coconut oil, leave socks on over night, rinse in morning.
  • Moderately dry: use a mixture of equal parts olive or coconut oil and coarse sugar (can add oils above here too) use a soft brush or wash cloth to massage all over. Rinse apply oil and socks as above. 
  • Scary Dry: After soaking massage extra dry spots with a pumice stone in a circular pattern, rinse stone and feet and repeat 2-3 times. *You can also use the scrub from above with the pumice stone but make sure you thoroughly wash the stone so it doesn't trap and grow bacteria. Apply oil and socks over night.
  • Need a fast fix? Shower, skip the soak, Mix equal parts lemon juice and moisturizer. Apply liberally, cover with socks. Let sit for 20-30 minutes, rinse and reapply lotion only.   

Vitacost is a great place to buy natural products 15% Off products! Use promo code EMBRNDS plus free shipping on orders over $25. for this DIY !


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