Zucchini Fudge Cake, Vegan and Delicious

Yippee for summer! My Arizona garden keeps me in fresh veggies all year, but summer brings a glutton of squash, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes. I pickle peppers and cucumbers several times over the summer,make sauces and can the tomatoes as well, but I can never find enough things to do with zucchini . Sometimes I can't even give it away! My husband is not a zucchini fan at all, or any other vegetable for that matter. He often doesn't even know when I sneak in veggies under his nose. It's much like issues moms of toddlers have, except mine will go head for the drive thru if dinner bombs. He will never turn down chocolate. Which brings me back around to zucchini! I've tried countless recipes for zucchini bread some with chocolate. Most are quite good for me and the kids, but my hubby turns his nose up at the little green specks and refuses to even try it. I have come up with a great fudgy cake recipe, a mish mash of "rejects" that turns out to be moist, choc...